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Brimstage Orchard: the Orchard Book, Ch. 18


Replacement Trees - these are the gaps for future plantings

J1 - rank weeds: no tree in space for at least 4 years

J2- no tree for at least 4 years: now has pile of branches for chipping

J12 - no tree for at least 4 years. Space to be made ready for planting in November / February?

J11 - no tree for at least 4 years. Space to be made ready for planting in November / February?

Future Plantings -

Lancashire Apples

These are based on South Lakeland Orchard's group

Adam’s Pearmain

Adams' Pearmain is a traditional Lancashire apple variety of the Victorian era which remains popular today.

It is known for its rich nutty flavour, and was rated by the Victorian writer Hogg as "A dessert apple of first-rate quality".

Bloody Ploughman

a scots variety with red-stained flesh

Bradley’s Beauty

A very hardy and disease resistant variety found on the mosses by one of our own members. A crisp dual purpose apple which sweetens as it matures. Now widely grown as it is such a lovely tree, it is very vigorous, and will need a lot of space.

Duke of Devonshire 

A very late dessert apple, it was bred in 1835 by Wilson, gardener to the Duke of Devonshire at Holker Hall, Cumbria. Fruits have firm, fine-textured, juicy flesh with a rich, nutty flavour. It is resistant to scab, moderately vigorous and freely spur bearing.

Edward VII

An excellent late cooker which stores well to April

Keswick Codlin

An early cooker, this is one of the first apples ready in the autumn. It was originally found growing on a heap of rubbish at Gleaston Castle near Ulverston, Lancashire, England. It was recorded in 1793. Introduced by nurseryman John Sander at Keswick, hence the name Keswick Codlin.*

Proctors Seedling

Proctors seedling is a late, dessert, red striped Lancashire apple which was much grown around Lancaster in the 18th century, and is remembered as a favourite apple by the older generation. According to Taylor, it is “well known in Liverpool markets as a popular dessert apple for January." It’s not seen outside Lancashire (or Cumbria!) except that it did find its way to New Zealand in the mid 19th century. 

Scotch Bridget

A late season cooker which can be eaten as a dessert after Christmas. Scotch Bridget originated in Scotland in 1851. It will produce regularly and crops fairly heavily in northern locations. The fruits have tender, soft flesh, flushed with red.  It has a sub-acid rich flavour and will not fall when cooked. Now confirmed as a triploid, so will need at least two other trees in the vicinity.

St Edmund’s Russet / St Edmund’s Pippin

This is a mid-season dessert variety, and a partial tip-bearer, so not ideal to grow in a restricted form such as a cordon or espalier. Raised by Mr. Harvey at Bury St Edmunds in 1870. Fruit small, flattish somewhat conical; skin covered in russet very bright orange; skin rough, thick and tough; flesh juicy and russet flavoured, crisp and creamy-white. Saint Edmund's Russet (sometimes known as St. Edmund's Pippin) is one of the best russet apple varieties.

It looks superb with its dull matt russet colouring, and tastes great. The flavour is richer than Egremont Russet, and noticeably juicier.*

Taylor’s Favourite

A mid season cooker which originates from Whitebeck farm in the Lyth Valley.

Future Plantings -

Cheshire Apples

This is based on a list of the "Cheshire Orchard Project" including work by the late John Gittins. (links)

Dessert Apples

Elton Beauty* raised in Ince orchards, Chester by NW Barritt, introduced 1952. Millicent Barnes* raised around 1903 by NF Barnes, the Head Gardener for the Duke of Westminster at Eaton Hall, Chester.

Cooking Apples

Arthur W. Barnes* raised by NF Barnes at Eaton Gardens, Chester, in 1902. Burr Knot** named for the burrs at the base of branches, which can root (this kind of tree known as pitchers). Its history not clear but the variety was recorded in 1818 in England. Also known as Bide’s Walking Stick named after Mr Bide who cut a branch in around 1848 from a tree in Cheshire as a walking stick, which he then stuck in the ground in his garden in Hertfordshire where it rooted. Lord Clyde* raised by nurseryman BW Witham of Reddish, and appeared in catalogue in 1866. Lord Derby** grows well on wet, clay soils. Raised by Mr Witham, nurseryman in Stockport. First recorded in 1862. ‘Flesh cooks to an attractive deep claret colour, and is especially delicious sweetened with brown sugar.’ Minshull Crab / Lancashire Crab* from Minshull village, the original tree was growing in 1777. Grown in Lancashire for cotton towns including Manchester.

Dual Purpose Apples

Eccleston Pippin raised, or found before 1883 by NF Barnes, the Head Gardener at Eaton Hall. Grange’s Pearmain raised before 1829 by James Grange a market gardener in Kingsland, Middlesex, then intrioduced by Dickson’s of Chester. Sure Crop from nurseryman Clibrans in Cheshire in 1905.

Other Cheshire Apples

Bee Bench**, Bostock Orange, Celia, Chester Pearmain, Chester Pippin, Court Pendu Plat*, Gooseberry Pippin, Hazelby’s Seedling, Mere de Menage (Lord Combermere,)* Moston Seedling, Open Heart, Rakemaker, Renown, Rival, Rose of Sharon, Royal Seedling, Rymer, Shaw’s Pippin, Scarlet Pearmain, Wareham Russet, Watlingford Pippin, Windsor Castle, Withington Welter*.



Cheshire Prune.




unnamed yellow




Meeches prolific







Eriobotrya japonica







* we have access to scions of these varieties for grafting

** varieties already growing in Brimstage

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